
Hope mass

Hope mass

Liepos 14 d. poetės, rašytojos, prozininkės, dramaturgės, visuomenės veikėjos, kovo 11-osios Nepriklausomybės akto signatarės Vidmantės Jasukaitytės mirties metinių dieną Šventosios Švč. Mergelės Marijos Jūrų Žvaigždės parapijos bažnyčioje skambėjo naujas kompozitorės Zitos Bružaitės kūrinys – „Vilties mišios“.Kūrinys dar kartą šiais metais skambės rugpjūčio 15 d. 11 val. Klaipėdos Šventojo Pranciškaus Asyžiečio bažnyčioje.Atlikėjai: Šiaulių...
Tytuvėnai Summer Festival

Tytuvėnai Summer Festival

13th of August 13:30, choir "Polifonija" is invited to sing in Tytuvėnai Summer Festival.Meet us at ŠILUVOS ŠVČ. MERGELĖS MARIJOS GIMIMO BASILICA.The program will feature works by J. Naujalis, V. Miškinis and V. Augustinas.The concert is free.
PREMJERE @ Kintai music festival

PREMJERE @ Kintai music festival

20th of July, 7 pm, The concert of Kintai Music Festival will take place during which listeners will have the opportunity to hear the world PREMIERE.2019 was declared the year of Samogitia. On this occasion, the young Lithuanian composer Monika Sokaitė created a work for choir and percussion."SALVE SAMOGITIA or nine glances at Samogitia" is an occasional composition designed to commemorate the 800 year anniversary of Samogitia. The work is not based on a specific narrative, its essence is not...
HOMES FOR MEMORY to remember Vidmante Jasukaityte

HOMES FOR MEMORY to remember Vidmante Jasukaityte

Poetės, rašytojos, prozininkės, dramaturgės, visuomenės veikėjos, kovo 11-osios Nepriklausomybės akto signatarės Vidmantės Jasukaitytės mirties metinių dieną, liepos 14 d. 11 val., Šventosios Švč. Mergelės Marijos Jūrų Žvaigždės parapijos bažnyčioje skambės naujas kompozitorės Zitos Bružaitės kūrinys  - „Vilties mišios“.„Nepriklausomai nuo mūsų tikėjimo, amžiaus, išsilavinimo, šiandien labiausiai reikia vilties, todėl...
Music afternoon in Kelme Manor

Music afternoon in Kelme Manor

Three musical concerts by professional artists are organized during the Musical Afternoon at Kelme Manor . Exclusively performed in Baroque and Lithuanian manors once, the music will allow the audience to feel the spirit of those times, further revealing and highlighting the uniqueness of Kelmė Manor as a Baroque architectural heritage. The locals and guests of Kelme City will be able to enjoy professional art in non-traditional spaces.2019 July 13 (Saturday) 18:00Siauliai State Chamber...
Roma Festival - TAMBURIN

Roma Festival - TAMBURIN

ROMA FESTIVAL - "TAMBURIN" will be held at Šiauliai Chamber Hall "Polifonija" June 15 12 am welcome to a free concert of Roma children collectives....
Concert for Mourning and Hope Day

Concert for Mourning and Hope Day

We invite you on June 14th. 18:30 all to a concert dedicated to the Day of Mourning and Hope in Siauliai Apostles Peter and Paul Cathedral. The concert will feature Franz Joseph Haydn's Missa in tempore belli . Haydn created this piece in 1796 . In Eisenstadt, Austria is actively involved in a military campaign that has accompanied the events of the Great French Revolution that have shaken Europe. Military Mass is one of the fourteen Masses created by the great Viennese classic. From time...
Concert of Choir "Polyphony"

Concert of Choir "Polyphony"

May 30 (Thursday) 18:30 Siauliai Blessing A concert by Šiauliai State Chamber Choir "Polifonija" will take place at the Virgin Mary's Incarnation Church (Gegužiai str. 57). The program will feature: J. Arcadelt - Il Bianco e Dolce Cigno M.K. Čiurlionis - Kyrie A. Bruckner - Ave Maria V. Miskinis - Seniores populi B. Britten - Rejoice in the lamb & nbsp; Conductor Inga Mikiene | Gallus - Jerusalem Gaude M. K. Churlionis - Sanctus A. Martinaitis - Alleluia F. Poulenc -...
Peaceful, pleasant summer nights

Peaceful, pleasant summer nights

Choral Music Festival "Peaceful, Nice Summer Nights" & nbsp; Siauliai Chamber Hall "Polifonia" (Aušros al. 15) & nbsp; May 25th 15 hrs Traditional twelve-time choral music festival "Peaceful, pleasant summer nights" invites amateur every year chorus from Lithuania and Latvia. & nbsp; PARTICIPATE Siauliai Dagilėlis Singing School 1st Class Choir (teacher Rima Koržanovienė, concertmaster Lolita Girskienė) Mixed Choir Gija of Šiauliai District Municipality Culture...


Thursday, April 25, 6 pm & nbsp; Siauliai Chamber Hall "Polifonija" (Aušros al. 15) & nbsp; span> "ELEGANT MUSIC" & nbsp; Performers: String Quartet Akilone (France) < span> & nbsp; Program: WA Mozart, L. van Beethoven, J. Brahms & nbsp; Ticket price is 7 € and 5 € (discount for schoolchildren, students, seniors and disabled people) & nbsp; Tickets can be purchased at the Polyphonic Cashier (Aušros al. 15). & nbsp; Booking a ticket by phone: (8 41) 52...
